Booked For Pleasure

As a fan of mysteries and other genre fiction, I wrote a bunch of 400 word reviews for a Mensa newsletter. The column was called "Booked for Pleasure," and I got one monthly page, which equated to 400 words, give or take. It was a fun challenge to cram as much as possible into such limited space and convey what made the books I tackled unique. Most were mysteries and sci-fi/fantasy novels, my favorte genres, but I basically wrote about whatever tickled my fancy. I make them available here for readers interested in the works of wordsmiths who care equally about the story and how they tell it. In some cases, I've added a line or two, or adjusted numbers to make them up-to-date, but I've left the essential narrative alone, trusting that it will stand the test of time.
Michael Connelly
Ed McBain, "The Swedes," Tony Hillerman,
Janwillem van de Wetering |